Calculated column delat lake - generated columns?
- Note: Databricks also supports partitioning using generated column
orderId int,
orderTime timestamp,
orderDate date GENERATED ALWAYS AS(CAST(orderTime AS DATE))
spot instances
Autoloader and schema evolution: Auto loader does not support schema evolution
Auto loader supports both directory listing and file notification but COPY INTO only supports directory listing.
Auto Loader vs COPY INTO?
Do we need schema in auto loader: Schema location is used to store inferred schema by auto loader
Which of the following locations in Databricks product architecture hosts jobs/pipelines and queries?: Control Pane, not Web application
What type of table is created when you create delta table with below command?
CREATE TABLE transactions USING DELTA LOCATION "DBFS:/mnt/bronze/transactions"
- External table is created using DELTA LOCATIOn
CREATE TABLE table_name ( column column_data_type…) USING format LOCATION "dbfs:/"
This will create unmanaged external
This will create managed
DROP managed delta table and underlying files: DROP TABLE table_name
INSERT OVERWRITE: Keeps history of data and you can time travel
assert statements, how to write
Which of the following two options are supported in identifying the arrival of new files, and incremental data from Cloud object storage using Auto Loader?:
- Directory Listing and File Notification
What are the different ways you can schedule a job in Databricks workspace?
SQL Endpoint: Databricks recently renamed SQL endpoint to SQL warehouse
Scaling of SQL endpoint
- if the queries are running sequentially then scale up(Size of the cluster from 2X-Small to 4X-Large)
- if the queries are running concurrently or with more users then scale out(add more clusters).
- No of worker nodes in a cluster is determined by the size of the cluster (2X -Small ->1 worker, X-Small ->2 workers.... up to 4X-Large -> 128 workers) this is called Scale up
- A single cluster irrespective of cluster size(2X-Smal.. to ...4XLarge) can only run 10 queries at any given time if a user submits 20 queries all at once to a warehouse with 3X-Large cluster size and cluster scaling (min 1, max1) while 10 queries will start running the remaining 10 queries wait in a queue for these 10 to finish.
- Increasing the Warehouse cluster size can improve the performance of a query,
- if a query runs for 1 minute in a 2X-Small warehouse size it may run in 30 Seconds if we change the warehouse size to X-Small.
- warehouse can have more than one cluster this is called Scale out
. If a warehouse is configured with X-Small cluster size with cluster scaling(Min1, Max 2) Databricks spins up an additional cluster i
- Scale-out -> to add more clusters for a SQL endpoint, change max number of clusters
- If you are trying to improve the throughput, being able to run as many queries as possible then having an additional cluster(s) will improve the performance.
- Databricks SQL automatically scales as soon as it detects queries are in queuing state, in this example scaling is set for min 1 and max 3 which means the warehouse can add three clusters if it detects queries are waiting.
- Privilege type

The answer is ALTER TABLE table_name OWNER to ‘group’ instead of GRANT we use ALTER to assigned OWNER to group